

M&V is the process of using measurement to reliably determine actual savings created within an individual facility by an energy management, energy conservation of energy efficiency project or program and IPMVP (International Performance Measurement And Verification protocol) are international M&V protocol.’’ M&V brings clarity for energy saving projects. It us the only way to prove energy saving in any project it should be very well defined between ESCO and customer before implementation of any energy efficiency measure. Energy saving can never be measured because represents the absence of energy use as per IPMVP.

energy solutions
energy solutions

Environmental Audit

An environmental audit is a type of evaluation intended to identify environmental compliance and management system implementation gaps, along with related corrective actions. In this way they perform an analogous (similar) function to financial audits.

Investment grade energy Audit

It is essential to use energy efficiently and wisely to save environment and to reduce operational. Energy Audits are carried out to measure the energy consumption and to find out the efficient ways to save the energy by various means. Alien Group of companies being one of the best ESCO Company with its vast experience in the field offers audit services for energy conversation. Alien Group functioning in the field for more than 24 years and audited various premium establishments like president house, Neeti ayog etc. Alien Group has also participated in various IGEA audits for public sector, industrial and government sector.

advanced energy


National Mission on Enhanced Energy Efficiency (NMEEE) was released by prime Minster of India under action plan on climate change in June 2008. This would unlock energy efficiency potential of Rs. 74,000 crore approximately by annual saving of fuel of 23 million TOE, avoided generation of 19,000 MW & Co emission mitigation of 98 million tons per year under the programs. Government of India sets energy efficiency targets for the core sector which are to be achieved by 2014-15, failing which the companies shall be penalized. The government has notified the energy efficiencies improvement targets for the 478 most energy intensive industrial in first phase units which are designated consumers under energy conversation act from iron & Steel, Cement, Fertilizers, Aluminum, Pulp & Paper, Chloralkali, Textiles and Thermal power stations in India. This programs will generate E-certificates which will be traded and bought by other units covered by the programs when companies find it expensive to meet their targets through their own actions. Units which are unable to meet their targets will be Liable for heavy penalty. ESCert will help to sell the conserved KWH or Nega watt power to others.

Electrical safety Audit (ESA)

Electrical Safety requirement is an important as life safety. Electrical hazards can lead to burns, shocks and electrocution or death. Due to n be bad workmanship and ignorance major accidents caused and can lead to life loss and damages to expensive equipment. AEPL with its experience in the field provides its service to carry out electrical safety audit and evaluate the safety standards/compliance to ensure safety.

Major Electrical safety audit review covers following.